Association of Green Esperantists
Asocio de Verduloj Esperantistaj - AVE

- AVE is a small but global linked NGO of people using as their favourite language Esperanto. We are members of Green Parties or supporters of ecological, social, peace and life topics. We think globally - we are acting locally.
Why is Esperanto the language for the Greens ?
because Esperanto is a language designed to spread peace through international understanding;
because Esperanto protects the diversity of regional languages against the excessive use of imperialistic languages;
because by using the neutral language Esperanto we Greens could eliminate discrimination during our own international meetings.
because Esperanto is a language designed to spread peace through international understanding;
because Esperanto protects the diversity of regional languages against the excessive use of imperialistic languages;
because by using the neutral language Esperanto we Greens could eliminate discrimination during our own international meetings.